Zen Center Near Me

Home - Soji Zen. Soji Zen Center. Soji Zen Center is a contemporary Buddhist center providing instruction in Zen meditation, philosophy and contemplation techniques for training the mind. We are guided by our founding teacher, Jules Shuzen Harris Roshi. The North Carolina Zen Center is located on 15 acres of wooded land south of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. It serves all the communities of central North Carolina including Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Pittsboro and Asheboro. The Center offers a secluded, peaceful environment for the study and practice of Zen. We are open to all.

The Zen Center serves the community by offering services, daily meditation and monthly and annual Zen meditation intensive retreats. We are located just thirty minutes north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on fourteen isolated acres with stunning views of the Western Pennsylvania forest.

The Morning Star Zen Center

The Morning Star Zen Center was founded in 1986 by Jim Jackson, who at the time of his death in 2007 was a Senior Dharma Teacher in the Kwan Um School of Zen, and his wife, Barbara Taylor, who is also a Senior Dharma Teacher. Dharma Teacher John Kling joined the center in 2008 when he moved to Northwest Arkansas. He was previously with the Indianapolis Zen Center.

Zen Master Seung Sahn

The founding teacher of our School is Zen Master Seung Sahn, the 78th Patriarch in his line of transmission in the Chogye order of Korean Buddhism. In 1972, he came to the United States and started the Providence Zen Center, the first center in what is now the Kwan Um School. He and his students have founded over a hundred temples, centers, and groups around the world. His books include Ten Gates, The Compass of Zen, Dropping Ashes on the Buddha, Only Don’t Know, and The Whole World is a Single Flower–365 Kong-ans for Everyday Life.

Zen Master Seung Sahn Died on November 30, 2004, at Hwa Gye Sah temple in Seoul, Korea. He died peacefully, surrounded by his students. He was 77.

In June 2004, he had received the title of “Great Master” from the Chogye Order of Korean Buddhism, in appreciation for his lifetime of teaching. This is the highest honor the order confers.

Zen Master Soeng Hyang

Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Barbara Rhodes) is the School Zen Master and Guiding Dharma Teacher of the Kwan Um School of Zen. She received dharma transmission from Zen Master Seung Sahn on October 10, 1992. She was one of Zen Master Seung Sahn’s first American students and studied with him since 1972. She was given inka in 1977. A registered nurse since 1969, she works for Hospice Care of Rhode Island. She helped found Providence Zen Center, and lived there for seventeen years, serving a number of administrative capacities. Zen Master Soeng Hyang has a daugher and lives with her partner, Mary, in Massachusetts.

Zen Master Hae Kwang

Zen Master Hae Kwang (Stanley Lombardo) received inka from Zen Master Seung Sahn in 1992 and transmission as a Zen Master in 1998. He is editor and co-editor of three of Zen Master Seung Sahn’s books (Bone of Space, Only Don’t Know, and Ten Gates). He is a Classics professor at the University of Kansas and has published translations of Greek poetry and philosophy, including translations of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey. He has also co-authored a translation of the Tao Te Ching. He is the Morning Star Zen Center’s Guiding Teacher.


“To study the way of the Buddha is to study oneself. To study oneself is to forget oneself. To forget oneself is to be enlightened by everything.”


Welcome to the Princeton Area Zen Group.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
the Princeton Area Zen Group has ceased weekly meditation
and retreats for the foreseeable future.

Event Calendar and Announcements


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Zen Center Near Me


North Carolina Zen Center

The Princeton Area Zen Group (PAZG) engages in lay meditation practice in the tradition of Yasutani-Yamada-Aitken. Founded in 1991 by teachers Manfred Steger and Perle Besserman, the Princeton Area Zen Group is a community-based, non-residential unaffiliated Zen center designed to introduce anyone with a sincere desire for self-realization to the formal practice of zazen (sitting meditation).

Maruti Zen Service Center Near Me

The group is not a religious organization, but a collection of committed, like-minded individuals responsible for maintaining and supporting a place of Zen practice. It emphasizes traditional elements of Zen Buddhist practice, such as sitting meditation, dharma talks, private interviews, and retreats, but within a framework of Western culture with an emphasis on democratically discussed and implemented community policies.

Zen Buddhist Center Near Me

For more information, please contact Donald Dow at 609-510-3909, or email us at princetonzen@gmail.com.

Zen Service Center Near Me

Click here (Amazon.com) for information on the book Grassroots Zen: Community and Practice in the Twenty-First Century by Princeton Area Zen Group (PAZG) founding teachers Perle Besserman and Manfred Steger