Markdown Monster

Open multiple files and/or folders simultaneously in Markdown Monster directly from Visual Studio's Code Editor window and / or Solution Explorer.

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Similar 'Open In' VS extensions can be found here.


  • Open multiple files and/or folders simultaneously in Markdown Monster.

  • Within the code editor window

  • From solution explorer at item level

  • From solution explorer at folder level

  • From solution explorer at project level

  • Warning if attempting to open one or more file types whose extension is not typically associated with Markdown Monster. The list of typical file extensions is configurable in Tools > Options.

  • Option to supress the warning message if attempting to open a file whose extension is not typically associated with Markdown Monster.

  • Warning if attempting to open a large quantity of artefacts. The quantity is configurable in Tools > Options.

The Markdown Parser. The Pandoc Markdown parser is an addin markdown parser that is made available to Markdown Monster and can be selected in Markdown Monster as the parser for rendering HTML output. The parser is registered in Markdown Monster and when available can be selected on the Renderer drop down on the bottom of the main window. See full list on Markdown Monster is an easy to use and extensible Markdown Editor, Viewer and Weblog Publisher. The editor sports syntax colored editing of Markdown text, inline spell checking, live, synced HTML preview, a document outline, integrated file browser and Git support. You can embed images by pasting from clipboard, embedding via dialog or dragging. Markdown Monster is an easy to use and extensible Markdown Editor, Viewer and Weblog Publisher. The editor sports syntax colored editing of Markdown text, inline spell checking, live, synced HTML preview, a document outline, integrated file browser and Git support. Markdown Monster软件可能很多朋友都没有听说过,这是一款来自国外的编辑器和查看器,对于这款编辑器大家肯定都非常的熟悉,它能够让您使用语法突出显示和快速文本输入来编辑,可以通过保存到磁盘或将编辑器选项作为HTML直接复制到剪贴板,将编辑器导出为HTML。.

Markdown Monster Linux

Use Cases

The Visual Studio IDE has an outstanding and feature-rich editor for a wide range of file types, even in the free 'Community' editions, which can be overridden to open a third-party application.

Markdown monster windows

Markdown Monster Mac

That said, there may be times when you wish to edit a file in an alternative editor/application without overriding the default Visual Studio editor, for example:-

Markdown Monster Site

  • You only occasionally wish to use a specific alternative editor.

  • You have overriden the default Visual Studio editor to a particular application, but need easy IDE access to a second particular editor.

  • Certain files (e.g. gigantic size files, or files with complex content) may be better suited in an alternative editor.

  • Pair programming scenarios where each developer has different preferred editor.

  • You are more familiar with a certain editor's features, or simply have a favourite editor.